Thursday, August 6, 2009


I am really proving myself right about the terrible updating thing...I suck. Oh well. Deven and I closed on our house, right on schedule the morning of July 17th. We had a few glitches the first week that we lived there, but it is all sorted out now and we are LOVING the new house!

Here is a picture of the outside:

We are so happy and excited. We are loving every minute of decorating our space. As we get more unpacked and decorated, I will post pictures of our before and afters.

Also, I noticed in my last post that I said something random about the new kitten but never clarified who she was or where she came from...

Tiger Lilly
Deven and I were driving home from visiting Whitney and Rachel in Edmond. It was three o'clock in the morning and we were almost home, driving down Eastern. I noticed a glint in the road that looked like eyes, so I slammed on my brakes and asked Deven if that was a cat in the road. I pulled over and he got out. As he reached for her she leapt out of the street and onto a tree. She was hanging on to the side of the tree, fluffing herself up and just hissing and spitting. We couldn't leave her there, obviously. The pictures above were taken when she was about 6 or 7 weeks old. When we found her, she was only 4 weeks old. She was just a scared little orange fluff ball. So now, we find ourselves being the owners of FOUR cats. The other three didn't know what to think of her at first, but now they are all getting along just fine.
Anyway, that is all for now, but I will try to be better.

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