Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Still Trucking

I am still trucking along with weight watchers...I am losing about a pound a week, so I will take it. Dev and I were really busy this weekend, working on the house. We redid my craft room, it wasn't set up to accommodate my knitting. Deven got his surround sound speakers hung, considering he got them for Christmas 2009 it was about time haha. We also got our guest room cleaned up. So all in all it was a pretty productive weekend.

Monday, January 31, 2011

20 Pounds Down!

I started Weight Watchers the first week of January. I have been talking and talking about losing weight but never really doing much about it. I have been doing WW for 4 weeks and I have lost 20 pounds! This is partly because I had so much to lose, and it is partly because I have been sick for 2 weeks, so that helped me lose faster. The fact remains though, that I have lost that much. I still have about 99 pounds that I would like to lose, but I feel like I am off to a good start.
This is a good step for us on our TTC journey as well. As we are approaching the 1-year mark of trying I feel better that I am at least taking a step toward some kind of change that may help us. I am not sure if my weight has anything to do with out TTC troubles, but I am prepared to bet that it cannot hurt to lose some.
I have been busy other than that just doing school. I am on my last semester to finally finish up my Associates. I have 4 classes this semester and then I will be all done.